Department of Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Studies

Welcome to the IMH Department of Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Studies.

What is Neuroscience?

Neuroscience is the science of the brain and the nervous system. Our brains are super complicated. To understand this complexity, there are many types of neuroscience. Neuroscientists study how brain cells signal to each other, for example which chemicals they use; they study how brain cells connect to each other, for example by sending small electrical pulses; and they study whole systems of brain cells at work, for example looking at connected activity in the visual areas of the brain, the auditory areas of the brain and the thinking areas of the brain. Neuroscientists also study how the brain evolved, how cells in the developing brain differentiate themselves into, say, visual versus auditory brain cells, and how brain cells know where in the brain to go in order to do their designated jobs.

What is Neuropsychology?

The field of neuropsychology combines neurology, the study of the nervous system, with psychology, the study of the mind and how it affects behavior. It is both an experimental and clinical field of psychology, thus aiming to understand how behavior and cognition are influenced by brain function and concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral and cognitive effects of neurological disorders.

Neuropsychologists look at how a brain injury or illness can impact your daily life. Brain trauma can affect these aspects of behavior:

  • Cognitive  your thought processes
  • Social  how you get along with others
  • Physical  how you move and how your body functions
  • Emotional  how you feel apart from your physical being

Internationally Accredited Online Self-Study Fast-Track Advanced Certificate Courses:

  1. 20 Hours Online Self-Study Advanced Certificate Course in Neurology
  2. 25 Hours Online Self-Study Advanced Certificate Course in Neuroscience
  3. 20 Hour Online Self-Study Advanced Certificate Course in Neurophysiology