Certificate Course in Counselling & Psychotherapy – Saturday Group Class Batch 51

Course Title : Certificate Course in Counselling & Psychotherapy
For whom (target group) : This is a comprehensive introductory or foundation course for all those who wish to study and obtain essential training in the basic skills and techniques of psychological counselling with an introduction to the different schools and approaches of psychotherapy. This course is also suitable for practicing trainee counselors and other HR, nursing and medical staff and social workers who want to broaden their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in psychological counselling and psychotherapy, or for those who wish to embark on further academic and/or professional studies and clinical training in the field of advanced counselling psychology and psychotherapy.
Entry Requirements : University Graduates or Members of recognized Professional bodies, or Members of the Clergy, or Humanitarian / NGO / Healthcare / Social workers with any two passes at the G.C.E A/L, or Professional / Academic Diploma or Advanced / Higher (National) Diploma holders or Holders of a Certificate / Diploma in Psychology or Social Work, and Age not less than 20 years, and Fluency of the English language is essential.
Course Duration : 3.0 Months (12 weeks) for the Physical Group Class and 4.5 Months / 18 Weeks (36 Hours) for the Online Group Class
Contact Hours : 3 Hrs. per week for the physical group class
Total No. of Classes : 12 class-contact sessions / 18 online live class contact sessions
Total No. of Contact Hrs. : 36 Hrs. of Lectures and discussion time
Class Times : Saturdays 10.00 am to 1.00 pm for the Physical Group Class

6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. (on Mondays only for the Online Group Class with Live Zoom Interactive lectures).

Course Modules (Syllabus Outline) :
  1. Introduction to the philosophy and the historical development of Counselling and Psychotherapy
  2. Types of Counselling: Directive and Non-Directive
  3. The Counsellor’s Qualities and Role
  4. Counselling Goals
  5. Introduction to Counselling Skills
  6. Confrontation in Counselling
  7. Influencing Skills in Counselling
  8. Body Language in Communication
  9. Counsellors and Psychologists
  10. The Three Major Approaches to Counselling
  11. The Psychodynamic Approach
  12. The Person-Centred Approach
  13. The Behavioral and the Cognitive Behavioral Model
  14. Coping with Change
  15. The Counselling Questionnaire
  16. Dealing with Anger and Stress
  17. Dealing with Loss, Grief, Guilt, Depression, PTSD, Deliberate Self-Harm (DSH) and Suicide tendencies
  18. Cultural and Cross-Cultural Issues
  19. Legal and Ethical Situations in Counselling
  20. The Importance of Counselling Supervision
  21. Counselling and Psychotherapy  Case Studies
Recommended reading:
  1. An Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy: From Theory to Practice (2013), by Andrew Reeves, Sage Publications
  2. On Being a Therapist, by Jeffrey A. Kottler
  3. The Gift of Therapy: An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists and Their Patients, by Irvin D. Yalom
  4. Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, by Professor Gerald Corey
  5. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy, by Professor Linda Seligman
  6. On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy, by Carl R. Rogers

ACCPH (UK) and IAOTH (Ireland) Accredited Progression Pathways

  1. Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy
  2. Diploma in Psychology & Counselling

Mode of Final Examination and Assessment

The award of the IMH Certificate in Counselling & Psychotherapy (CCP) will be contingent upon passing a 2-hour internally set unseen MCQ examination paper to be answered on a closed book examination mode. The minimum pass mark is an exam score performance of 60%.

Regular Physical Group Course Fees : Rs. 54,000/- + Rs. 1,000/- for registration (Please note that the full course fee of Rs. 55,000/- has to be paid in full and in advance by cash, card, bank transfer or cheque payment)
Online Group Class with Live Lectures Rs. 51,000/- + Rs. 1,000/- for registration (Please note that the full course fee of Rs. 52,000/- has to be paid in full and in advance by cash, card, bank transfer or cheque payment)
Individual Fast- Track Course Fees (Can be done online with “live” lectures) : Rs. 99,000/- + Rs. 1,000/- for registration (Could be paid by cash, credit card or cheque in two equal installments of Rs. 50,000/-)
Distance Learning / Online Course Fees (without Live online lectures) USD $180 or Sri Lankan Rupees Equivalent (for foreign students and other professionals and healthcare workers living out of the Western Province in Sri Lanka will be considered on an individual case-by-case basis).
Course Start Date


: 17th August 2024 (Saturday) – Physical Group class batch. Only 10 (ten) students will be registered.

Online Group Class: Monday 20th May 2024 from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Sri Lankan time. (A maximum of 10 students will be enrolled for the online group class with Live Zoom lectures). Please register yourself for this course by paying the full course fee of Rs. 52,000/– on or before the 11th of May 2024.

Individual Class: On a mutually agreeable date and time (to be decided jointly by the participant and the resource person). This can also be done online via “live lectures” for Sri Lankan or international students.

Resource Person







Course Accreditation









Prof. Sir Romesh Jayasinghe, OLS, Ph.D.(Psy.), Dh.C.(Florida), FRSM(UK), FRSPH(UK), FACCPH(UK), FTBCCT(UK), MBCS(UK), Grad.Dip.Ed.(London), Adv.Dip.(Psychology), Adv.Dip.(Child Psychology), Adv.Dip.(Dietetics), Dip.(Adv. Counselling & Psychotherapy), Dip.(Couples Therapy), Dip.CBT(UK), Dip.(Hypnotherapy), Dip.(Human Rights), Dip.(Forensic Psychology), Dip.(Clinical Psychology) – Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Certified Master Life Coach (USA), Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (ICBCH, USA), Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist (USA), Certified Trauma Support Specialist (USA), Certified Relationship Coach (USA), Certified Human Rights Consultant (USA), Certified NLP Practitioner (USA), Certified Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner (UK), Certified Flow State Practitioner(UK), Accredited Health and Wellness Coach (USA), Certified Nutritionist (UK), Nutritional Therapist (UK), Certified Human Rights Consultant (USIDHR, USA)

International Affiliate Member of the Society for Counseling Psychology (USA) – Division 17 of the American Psychological Society (APA), USA

This course is fully Accredited and Endorsed by the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH), UK



Course Accreditation : This course is fully Endorsed and Accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), Ireland

Online Name List of all past IMH Students See the Complete List of Past IMH Certificate Holders and Diplomates 2009-2023 by clicking this page link.